#1 His real name is Zahir Uddin Muhammad Babur. This name comes from the Persian word "babr" which means tiger.

#2 He was the eldest son of Umar Sheikh Mirza, a direct descendant of the Turkic-Mongol conqueror Timur, also known as Tamurlane. His mother was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, the conqueror of Asia.
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#3 He ascended the throne of Fergana (now Uzbekistan) in 1495 at the age of twelve. In 1504 he conquered Kabul, an important citadel in Central Asia.
#4 Babur was invited by Daulat Khan Lodi, a rebel of the Lodi dynasty, in 1524 to invade northern India and fight the dynasty and its enemies at Rajputana. Rajputana was ruled by the Hindu Rajput alliance led by his Mewar king Rana Sanga.
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#5 In 1526 Babur won the Battle of Panipat against Lodi King Ibrahim Lodi. He conquered Delhi and founded the Mughal Empire, the largest dynasty in North India.

#6 He also defeated Rana Sangha, whom Babur considered a foreign invader, at the Battle of Kanwa.Since then, Rajputana has become an ally of the conquered Mughal Empire.
#7 There is confusion about Babur's ethnicity. As a descendant of Timur, he considered himself the Turkic Timurid. However, Uzbek history suggests that Babur was an ethnic Uzbek.
#8 Babur claimed to be very strong and physically fit. He also claimed to have swam every major river he encountered, including the Ganges on two occasions. "I swam the Ganges for fun. I counted the number of times I swam and found that I swam across it in 33 strokes. Then I took a breath and swam to the other side. page. I swam every river I encountered except the Ganges," he points out, and according to Stanley Lane Poole's Medieval India, from the Muslim conquests to the reign of Akbar the Great.
#9 To this day, he is considered a national hero of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. He wrote his autobiography Baburnama in his Turkish language Chagatay. It was translated into Persian during the reign of his grandson Akbar.

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